We’re now 1/12 of the way through 2019. Can you believe it?! Personally, I hate to see good things end. At first thought, I didn’t think all that much had happened in January. If you’re lalso feeling like this month wasn’t anything special, do yourself a favor. Scroll through the photos in your phone and I bet you’ll be amazed at how much you accomplished this month! As proof, I’ll share with you my month in reverse order because it’s more fun that way It wasn’t until I got about 2 weeks back that I realized I was really on my game this month! Except for that basketball thing (keep reading, you’ll see).
This week started off with a run – Woohoo! I’m trying to lose 2 pounds a week and so far I’m on track! I couldn’t believe it, and you’ll see why soon.
One of the girls got hives. How is it I’ve been a mom for almost 16 years and this is my first experience with hives? Counting my blessings, I guess.
I got sick and gave up on my healthy eating plan. Red Lobster biscuits for breakfast? Yes, please!
I got sick the day AFTER baking 5 batches of chocolate chip cookies for my moms group. Then proceeded to eat most of the cookies since I couldn’t take them to the potluck.
One of the girls got the stomach flu.
We made a blanket fort for the kids to sleep in over the weekend. This is their favorite thing to do on non-school nights!
All the kids got pinkeye. Boo.
There was a super blood wolf moon and we kinda sorta saw it through the clouds.
We cooked at home every.single.night! Think that’s easy? You do it! This is our Google calendar family meal plan. The blank nights were when we had leftovers for dinner or something random from the cupboard.
I found out what kind of dinosaur I am. This is important information, my friends.
We read Christmas stories. In mid-January.
The girls started playing basketball.
This is how they looked on team picture day because it was raining and one of them lost the sneakers I sent to school with her to wear at the game. They let her play like that. Mom fail or mom win? I say win!
I met my new big boss. There are lots of pics from work this month but I liked our name tags for this staff meeting so it gets to be in the January highlights.
I started listening to free audiobooks from the library. I’ve burned through 4 this month already!
I found out why my walls are always so dirty.
It rained! We had a week of rain, then a week of 80° weather, then more rain. I love San Diego!
I get to be mom to 4 wonderful kids, 3 of whom need me for every little thing and I love it. The older one still needs me, he just doesn’t think he does.
I went to Ikea. And bought stuff! Oh, how I love Ikea.
And finally on day 1 of the year 2019 I went on a moderately challenging hike with a friend. The perfect way to ring in the new year!
January was definitely a months of highs and lows. Illness was a constant visitor in our home but we battled those germs off like pros! What will February hold? I can only imagine…